Croatia- the synonym for luxury in nautic tourism

It was very unlikely, looking back almost 30 years ago, that Croatia would now become a hot spot for luxury yachts. For a type of tourism that heavily relies on renting yachts for luxury sailing holidays.

The war in the 1990s took away at least five years from the country’s road to independence. That was certainly no time for people to think about tourism, spending time at sea, and staying at hotels, which at the time were no way near five-star.

Times have changed.

A lot of effort has been put to market Croatia as a desirable tourist destination - first for hotel dwellers, just later on for those wishing to explore the Croatian coast by boat, yachts, gulets or catamarans. And those wishing to spend at least half of what they have amassed working diligently, but now longing to switch off at last in a place like Croatia and its numerous islands.

We can now with much certainty say that Croatia has indeed become the place for luxury sailing holidays, a destination which fulfills all criteria that the concept of luxury demands of tourist destinations.

The Luxury Lifestyle Magazine in the UK wrote an article stating that Croatia is the number one destination for luxury sailing and yachting holidays.


What makes Croatia cut out for luxury sailing holidays?

In order for a destination to be recognized as a luxury destination for superyachts, modern catamarans, etc., it must satisfy certain parameters. One of the most strictest is surely the cleanliness of the sea.

That is exactly the reason why Croatia is favoured by many yachtsmen and sailors.

Experience that luxury on your sail from Split!

1. The Croatian sea prides of its crystalline water

With its 1244 islands, Croatia is the best pick for sailing and yachting holidays. It affords travelers multiple stops and many opportunities to experience something new.

Not to mention its pristine and clean water. Here’s what Forbes wrote about Croatia’s water quality.

"99.1% of Croatia’s 894 tested sites were deemed excellent in 2024. Croatia’s water quality is ahead of Greece’s and Cyprus’s."

Croatia’s sea is clean and blue as a result of its high salt concentration, its country’s geographical location and its connection to Africa. The high salt concentration contributes to the growth of phytoplankton, which release oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide, maintaining the water’s clarity. Croatia has therefore a thriving marine ecosystem.

That’s why its beaches are so unique and beautiful. And crystal clean.

You don’t need any extra reasons, so book a luxury yacht and set sail to explore Croatia’s pristine waters.

You don’t need any extra reasons, so book a luxury yacht and set sail to explore Croatia’s pristine waters.

2. The stunning Croatian islands (especially Brijuni) exude luxury


Luxury has long been associated with Brijuni, a group of islands, the largest and most indented group of islands along the coast of western Istria.

To what or whom does Brijuni owe its status of luxury?

To Croatia-born Josip Broz Tito, former communist leader of Yugoslavia.

He spent the past 30 years of his life on Brijuni and made it his private playground of splendour.

He’d spend half of the year on the island, gardening, fishing and enjoying a life of luxury in Croatia unimaginable to most of his people.

The exclusivity of the island then rested in the fact that the islands were closed to all but their leader’s handpicked staff and his own guest list of glitterati that not even an American president could match at that time.

And that’s not all, Croatia’s luxury destination with a glorious past has even a lot more to say about itself.

It’s not only Croatians who speak so dearly about Croatia and its islands.

Even Brad Pitt was full of praise and admiration for Croatia as a luxury destination when he came to visit Šibenik and Biograd na moru in 2023.

3. Hvar - the most luxurious place to sail to in Croatia

Luxury sailing destination, Hvar, Croatia

The island of Hvar is often referred to as the Croatia St. Tropez. It’s the sunniest spot in country and often visited by celebrities.

Head for example to Carpe Diem Beach Club, only accessible by boat, where you may bump into Tom Cruise or Prince Harry (in his wilder days without Meghan).

And while you’re planning to visit the club at night, pair that experience with booking exclusive day tours by boat, and visit other islands near Hvar.

These three reasons which we brought up to show you where luxury lies in Croatia may not be the only reasons.

You’ve got to see for yourself.

You know what they say: The beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Luxury’s not far away from it either.